
Call for Submissions: Our Minds, Bodies, and Well-Being

From healing personal trauma to building safe and sustainable communities, we're going to explore what health means today. Send us your pitches by May 20!

The health insurance debate is over, at least for now. But what about actual health?

A new story of health is emerging that links our mental and physical well-being, and the well-being of each of us to the world around us.

While terrorism and crime grab the headlines, the most common causes of premature death and disability in the industrialized world have roots in stress, trauma, poverty, and unhealthy living or work environments. The provision of medical services is much discussed, but not the health impacts of anxiety generated by economic uncertainty, exposure to environmental hazards, limited access to nourishing food, and the trauma resulting from war, child abuse, and sexual assault.

We are looking for evidence-based articles, essays, or leads to information showing ways to improve our well-being in these areas:

Healing and avoiding trauma

How do we break the cycle of trauma, reduce the ripple effects from self-medicating, and interrupt generational harms? We are interested in articles that find solutions in strong cultures and communities, traditions, spiritual practices, respect for women, and therapies that work with the ways the body holds trauma.

Our natural and built environments

Well-being is enhanced by access to nature – not just hiking in the woods, but opportunities to grow food and walk safely, breathing clean air. Healthy neighborhood designs feature car-free living and safe places for people of all ages to connect with others.

Our interior life

New understandings of the complex interactions between our bodies and the microbial environments within us provoke a rethinking of how we cultivate helpful internal ecosystems. Microbes are not only in our gut, they affect our minds. Should we get better at cultivating the beneficial kinds? Also, the mind and body are connected in some surprising ways; for example, much of the neurotransmitter, serotonin, is manufactured in the gut, not the brain. We’re interested in the ways that mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and other internal skills can make us healthy.

Everyday habits

Many of us feel vulnerable and overwhelmed as we contend with stress around work, family, relationships, finances, and the state of our world. What can we do right now to be the best advocates for our own health and well-being? What does research say about biohacking, food choice, exercise, mindfulness, self-talk, body image, sexuality. How do we sort out all the conflicting advice and form healthy habits?

We can experience better health—at the individual, family, and community level—by challenging old patterns, learning how to take control of our own health, and advocating for cities and neighborhoods and social systems that reduce stressors and support real health for all.

We’re looking for story pitches, leads, and referrals to people who are working on these issues. We’d love to hear your ideas. Please respond to  by 05/20/2015.

èßäÉçÇø! Magazine is a national, nonprofit media organization that covers ideas and actions that address some of the most urgent economic, environmental, and social problems today. We publish a quarterly print issue as well as a website, both of which are ad-free.

Note: we are especially looking for ideas that have a solid research foundation. We are focusing on an empowered DIY approach and will not be publishing articles about medical interventions, supplements, or other products.

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