
èßäÉçÇø! Article archive


Who Will Rule?

Big corporation have become de facto governments, and the ethic that dominates corporations has come to dominate society. But, citizen movements are proving that we can take on corporate power, and together build a future that works for all life. This article gives hope on how to change the current corporate rule to citizen rule.
Marjorie Kelly, Michael Marx

Sex and Power in Chile

The dynamics of sex and politics in Chile are slowly changing with the election of Michelle Bachelet, South America's first female President. However, tensions persist between the conservative Catholic Church, the male-oriented political elite, and women who are becoming increasingly economically empowered.
Marcelo Mendoza

Democracy Rising

Latin America's marginalized are mobilizing and changing the face of their nations' politics. From increasing national oil profits to rethinking regional trade plans, they are empowering themselves and lessening their dependence on the U.S.
Nadia Martinez

Sometimes A Great Nation

The U.S. has a proud history of advancing human rights—and sometimes forgetting them. Historian Eric Foner proposes we give humility and respect a try.
Eric Foner

Judy Wicks: In Business for Life

Judy Wicks learned how to build community, run a legendary restaurant, and start a national movement for just and sustainable business--all without leaving home.
Judy Wicks

How Likely Is Collapse?

Why is all this gloom and doom appearing in èßäÉçÇø? The first step toward a positive future at the individual, community, society, or global level is to address seriously the problem at hand and take meaningful action.
Michael Marien

Resurrect New Orleans: a better city is possible

In post-Katrina New Orleans, will casinos, big business, and tourism displace people and the culture of the Big Easy? How will the city protect itself from future storms and rising seas? New Orleans could be rebuilt to serve its residents, poor and rich, and prosper in harmony with its watery ecosystem.
Van Jones

What Is Old Age For?

It turns out there is a reason humans live decades after our reproductive years end, a reason obscured by reference to "the golden years" and endless products designed to keep us young. The truth is we need our elders to be elders.
William Thomas
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