
Summer 2012

Table of Contents

Making It Home


Foreclosure Aftermath: What We Leave Behind

Our homes tell the story of where we come from and who we are. What happens when we lose them?
S.J. Dunning
People Need Homes photo by Jeff Dunnicliff

Dear Bank of America, We’re Not Leaving Our Homes

The fight against unjust evictions just got fiercer as the national Occupy movement joins forces with community anti-foreclosure groups.
Amy B. Dean
Penn South photo by Todd Heisler

Cheaper Together: How Neighbors Invest in Community

Cooperative financing and community land trusts keep rents affordable and homeownership within reach.
Harold Simon & John Emmeus Davis & Miriam Axel-Lute
Apex Photo by Cameron Karsten

Life Is Easier With Friends Next Door

Feeling a need for community? Cohousing can provide affordable space and neighbors to share it with.
Sven Eberlein
Kitchen photo by Stephen O'Byrne

How I Learned to Love My Hometown

A sense of history and community tugged at the heart of Mindy Fullilove and pulled her back to the Jersey home she’d forsaken.
Mindy Fullilove & Molly Rose Kaufman
Interior Design photo by Corbyn Hightower

How I Found Bliss in a Creaky Old Rental

Corbyn Hightower and her family moved from affluence to poverty—and into a "funky, junky" house that's been the happiest move of their lives.
Corbyn Hightower

Is Owning or Renting Better For You?

How to know when it's smart to rent.
Dean Baker
Just the Facts

We’ve Got Some Big Houses—That We Could Share

Just 60 years ago, the average American had 291 square feet of living space. Now it’s close to 1,000 square feet. Have we changed our needs that much? Or just our wants?
Doug Pibel

Solutions We Love

Explore Section

6 Ideas for Sensible Homes

Small, supportive, affordable, recycled—and you can build your own.
Heidi Bruce

How to Build Green on a Budget

The challenge: build the greenest houses on earth—and make them affordable.
Jennifer Atlee
Upside Down Bat
Yes! But How?

How to Save Bats in Your Own Backyard

Bats are mammals, shy creatures of the night, and fascinating to watch. They’re also endangered by loss of habitat, disease, and pesticide poisoning. You can help by providing protection.
Heidi Bruce & Shannan Lenke Stoll

Culture Shift

Explore Section

Same-Sex Marriage Brings Healing to Me—and My Tribe

Heather Purser set out to win gay marriage rights within the Suquamish Tribe and found herself on a personal journey toward self-acceptance.
Madeline Ostrander

Why the Military Can’t Deny Climate Change

Big Oil is a big risk for national security. Can our military—the world's No. 1 oil guzzler—change the politics of climate change?
Natalie Pompilio