Articles By This Author
How do you spark a movement in a conservative community? A Q&A with Razia Jan, founder of the Zabuli Education Center.
Kristin Moe | Jul 21, 2015
TransCanada鈥檚 Energy East pipeline would span thousands of miles, from rural Alberta to the Atlantic coast of New Brunswick.
Kristin Moe | Apr 10, 2015
鈥淚t makes me feel happy and inspired that we have people of all generations who are thinking that more drastic, extraordinary actions are necessary.鈥
Kristin Moe | Sep 25, 2014
Long years of drought in South Dakota have made it difficult for the soil to absorb water. A group led by indigenous women hopes to change that through a ambitious dam-building project.
Kristin Moe | Aug 6, 2014
Felipe Matos told his story in three words: "I am undocumented." It was an act of desperation鈥攂ut it gave him a sense of agency and power.
Kristin Moe | Jun 21, 2014
They're not always optimistic about the future of Camden, N.J. But they're committed to it anyway, and they've created one of the nation's fastest growing networks of urban farms.
Kristin Moe | Jun 10, 2014
It's possible that the Cowboy Indian Alliance offers a glimpse into what a spiritually integrated environmental movement might look like, honoring diversity while resisting cooptation.
Kristin Moe | May 6, 2014
As natives and ranchers work together to oppose the Keystone XL pipeline, they're also learning to understand each other's history, culture, and relationship with the land.
Kristin Moe | Apr 25, 2014
On the frontlines of resistance to the Keystone XL pipeline, ranchers and tribal members join forces in a striking display of solidarity.
Kristin Moe | Apr 24, 2014
"Intersectionality" has evolved from a theory of how oppression works to a notion of how people can fight it.
Kristin Moe | Apr 5, 2014
In 1885, a revolutionary leader wrote, "My people will sleep for one hundred years" and then wake up. In the "genocidal" wilderness of Canada's tar sands, that renaissance has begun.
Kristin Moe | Mar 6, 2014
Local landowners and environmentalists who have long opposed the pipeline project are celebrating the decision.
Kristin Moe | Feb 21, 2014
From West Virginia to the Gulf Coast, residents of communities facing environmental problems are discovering that visual storytelling brings results. Their number-one tool is the humble smartphone.
Kristin Moe | Jan 25, 2014
At the Ponca Trail of Tears Spiritual Camp, tribal members and their ranchers are learning to understand each other as never before.
Kristin Moe | Nov 23, 2013
Not all of these young people focus directly on climate change in their work. But it tends to take a prominent position in their worldview, which sees issues of race, class, labor, and environment as inextricably connected.
Kristin Moe | Oct 26, 2013
A series of actions that took place this summer helped to shift the climate movement's center of gravity.
Kristin Moe | Sep 11, 2013
Idle No More is the latest incarnation of an age-old movement for life that doesn't depend on infinite extraction and growth. Now, armed with Twitter and Facebook, once-isolated groups from Canada to South America are exchanging resources and support like never before.
Kristin Moe | May 24, 2013
If the Keystone XL pipeline is approved, 90 percent of the tar sands crude that flows through it will be processed near an embattled Houston neighborhood called Manchester. Residents are joining up to demand a healthier future.
Kristin Moe | Apr 23, 2013
On March 9, two NYPD officers in plain clothes shot and killed 16-year-old Kimani Gray. At the marches and nightly vigils held in his memory, people are demanding a different kind of police department.
Kristin Moe | Mar 28, 2013
Motivated by ancient traditions of female leadership as well as their need for improved legal rights, First Nations women are stepping to the forefront of the Idle No More movement.
Kristin Moe | Jan 19, 2013
Idle No More has organized the largest mass mobilizations of indigenous people in recent history. What sparked it off and what鈥檚 coming next?
Kristin Moe | Jan 10, 2013