
Magdalena Rojo

Magdalena Rojo

is a freelance journalist covering global issues and human rights, mostly in developing countries. She’s the co-founder of the long-term global project, Women Who Stay, which brings a different perspective on migration. The perspective of women left behind after their male counterparts migrate. Magdalena pursues this project with her husband, a photographer, Noel Rojo. She has been published in international media outlets, such as News Deeply, Deutsche Welle, FairPlanet, Outriders, and national media in Slovakia, Czechia, and the U.S. Currently, she is a journalist fellow of the Spiritual Exemplars Project of the University of Southern California. She was nominated for the Slovak Press Award with her reportage about Cuba in 2013. Rojo comes from Slovakia, however, driven by her desire for a fairer world and common understanding, she has traveled countries on four continents. She can be reached through her email: [email protected]

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