
Nadra Nittle

Nadra Nittle

is The 19th’s education reporter, and has been a journalist since the 2000s. She has worked for newspapers including the Inland Valley–Los Angeles Times, El Paso Times, the Santa Fe Reporter and the Press-Telegram, and online publications Vox and Civil Eats. She has also been published in The Guardian, Business Insider, Huffington Post, BBC News and NBC News. She has a master’s degree in education, and briefly taught after college.

As a foreign correspondent for The Guardian, she won an award from the Los Angeles Press Club for profiling artist Betye Saar. She has earned many honors from the same organization, including third-place finishes for three 19th stories: librarians fighting censorship, Karen Bass’ historic mayoral campaign and the nation’s first school named after late author Octavia Butler. A piece she wrote for California Health Report on the challenges youth with disabilities face as they transition to adulthood was a finalist for a California News Publishers Association award.

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