
Thirst For Justice
Thirst for Justice, by Maude Barlow. Privatization of Bolivia's water supply fails in the face of protest, and a local coallition takes on water distribution.
Right Livelihood
Is the work we are doing good for the Earth and its inhabitants now and for seven generations into the future?
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Why Work?
Bob Black, Why Work? Examines the stultifying impact of work and jobs and advocates the abolition of most production and the tranformation of work to play.
India’s Silent But Singing Revolution
India's silent but singing revolution, by Pramila Jayapal. Swadyaya social movement in India is based on the belief that God resides within, all people and nature are connected, and a person's responsibility is only to do one's duty to the best of one's capability for God and without attachment to the fruits of the labor.
Garden of Simplicity
garden of simplicity, by Duane Elgin. Simplicity is the new mantra for the overworked, over-stressed, and over-cluttered, and for those who want to lighten their impact on the Earth. The author of the classic book on voluntary simplicity says the ways to simplicity are many.
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Song of the Land
Mohave Creation Song cycle describes relation of the Mohave to their land and helps prevent Ward Valley from becoming a nuclear waste dump.
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Farms of the Future
Contrary to myths about the efficiency of corporate agriculture, family farmers are the most efficient producers - and they produce much more than food
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From DC: A New Global Solidarity
In the spring issue of èßäÉçÇø!, I suggested that those eager to join the momentum for change so evident at the World Trade Organization protests in Seattle might want to

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