

Cuba’s Cure

By investing in health care that is holistic and focuses on prevention, Cuba has created one of the most effective systems in the world. Cuban doctors are engaged in missions throughout poor parts of the world, exchanging medical know-how for positive diplomatic relations.
Sarah van Gelder

Democracy Rising

Latin America's marginalized are mobilizing and changing the face of their nations' politics. From increasing national oil profits to rethinking regional trade plans, they are empowering themselves and lessening their dependence on the U.S.
Nadia Martinez

Judy Wicks: In Business for Life

Judy Wicks learned how to build community, run a legendary restaurant, and start a national movement for just and sustainable business--all without leaving home.
Judy Wicks

Buy Local to Multiply Your Money

Buying local products at local businesses creates a ripple effect as those businesses and employees in turn spend your money locally. In contrast corporate chains send most of your money out of town.

Java Justice

A Jewish Ugandan coffee farmer partners with Christian and Muslim neighbors to produce jobs, understanding, and a great coffee. Thanksgivingcoffee.com
Dee Axelrod

Two Crises, One Solution

We face devastation of the natural world and violence in human communities. There's a way to solve both these crises. A reverence movement would anchor a different economics, a restorative economics. Working with nature, we can create wealth sustainably and spread it more equitably. Solution-based, investment-driven environmentalism.
Van Jones
Oloudah Equiano

A Conspiracy of Hope

Many thought the global movement against unfair trade started in Seattle 1999. But going back over 200 years, people have reached across borders to end the slave trade, shame a brutal colonial regime, and bring respite to laborers of the industrial revolution.
Zahara Heckscher

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